Shipping Vehicle Spain To Uk

Transport shipping Vehicle Spain to UK

Do you need to ship your UK vehicle back to the UK? You may have heard that now the UK is longer part of the EU that your car is no longer worth matriculating onto Spanish number plates. Firstly, We recommend getting a free quote before you decide to take the vehicle back. This info is intended for anyone searching for shipping vehicle Spain to UK. Secondly if indeed you are not becoming resident in Spain it may well be the case that you need to get your UK back, sell it and buy a Spanish vehicle instead.

Why are people shipping UK vehicles back to the UK?

In short, the DGT and tax office at the time of writing now have a set of rules regards waiving the taxes on UK cars. This involve both emission taxes, import duty and the dreaded IVA (VAT). All can be waived in certain circumstances. however, if not it is in many cases difficult to justify the matriculation of your UK vehicle, unless of course you are in love with your vehicle.

If you decide to shipping vehicle Spain to UK is your best option we can help you. Should you require info to make the decision on whether you should ship the car please do visit our other pages regards free quotes. Send us the details of the car you wish to ship and we will give an instant quote.

** Please note shipping a car from the UK to Spain, can be a lot easy than UK cars already here** It is definitely worth calling us to find out how we can help and potentially waive taxes.

So, are UK cars getting pulled over by the police in Spain?

Basically, yes. And the whole array of paperwork you should have copies of or originals in the car if not present you may wind up seeing your car on the back of a truck going to the pound. At least one in five calls we receive at the moment are some poor soul who have their UK car impounded in Spain. This is why the fun begins. Getting your car out of the pound in Spain is a very difficult process. You have to visit both the pound, the police station and then the pound again in order to get your car released.

Not only that if your car has no MOT , tax, Insurance, and several other essential parts of paperwork or your car has been in the country too long you are going to struggle without a doubt actually getting your car released, shipping vehicle Spain to UK might then be your only choice.

Can you offer a solution?

Yes, give us the details of your current situation I’m we will formulate a plan to enable releasing your car from the pound. We will need certain bits of information so please do keep anything that the police give you, the Grua I’m any paperwork you have corresponding to your UK vehicle. The next thing that you need to do is contact us for us to help we are very busy and often cannot answer our mobile phones. If that’s the case, please send a WhatsApp so that we can have your name and number and a brief message regards your current situation and we will call you back as soon as humanly possible regards shipping vehicle Spain to UK.

Where in Spain can you release the car and take it to where?

We are predominantly placed on the Costa del Sol however, we would be okay to collect cars on route to Santander port. Basically, give us a call and tell us your location I’ll where your car is in the pound and we will advise whether or not we can help. It may actually involve stopping over in a hotel depending on the location of the vehicle in which case your quote will be slightly data than quoted if we have to go off our usual roots.

Easiest way to contact you?

  • Sending us a WhatsApp and telling us your situation and your name.
  • Calling us, we are usually at the ITV centre but please go ahead.
  • Filling out the form on our website we usually update every 48 hours.
  • Leaving us a message voicemail is usually the last we thing are notified about.